If you think you’ve been bitten by sand fleas and want to know what sand flea bites on humans look like, this is the place. You will also learn how to treat and prevent the bites to avoid this problem in the future. People that have already experienced these bites know that they can be quite painful. If left untreated, they can cause a lot of suffering for several months to come, before they usually disappear by themselves. Sand fleas can carry diseases and transmit viruses, so you should see a doctor if you experience severe symptoms after getting bitten. This article will help cure most sand flea bites on humans.
What do sand flea bites on humans look like?

Even though sand fleas are quite small, they can cause severe skin problems. They typically bite the feet, ankles and legs because they are closest to the ground. Sand fleas can only jump around 20-40 cm, so there’s much less chance of getting bitten on the upper body unless you’re lying down in the sand.
When you do get bitten, it’s most likely to happen during the evening, night or at dawn. This is when the sand fleas are most active, so be on guard if you’re on the beach at this time.
Types of sand flea bites

There are two types of sand flea bites on humans. The first one looks like a mosquito bite and happens when the fleas suck your blood and then moves on to another host. They inject saliva to prevent blood clotting as they are feeding, and this saliva is what irritates the skin and may cause allergic reactions. The second type is worse and is caused by breeding female sand fleas. The fleas burrow themselves into the skin and stay there until their eggs hatch. Look for swollen areas with black spots in the middle, these may be breeding sand fleas.

Both bite types will cause symptoms like itching, pain and unpleasantness. If you’re allergic to sand flea bites, then more severe reactions can be expected. When the breeding fleas burrow into the skin, you may also experience fever and infections in the area and it can develop into a condition called tungiasis, which is an inflammatory skin disease that needs to be treated to prevent secondary infections. Please contact your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
How to treat sand flea bites
If you’ve been bitten by these bloodsucking parasites, this is how you treat sand flea bites on humans:
- First of all don’t scratch the bites. It increases the chance of getting infections in the wound.
- Check the bite for breeding sand fleas. They can live under your skin and suck your blood for weeks.
- Apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream on the bites to control the itching, and take some painkillers to reduce the pain and swelling. You should see a doctor if this doesn’t help or if the symptoms get worse. He or she may also advise you to treat your bites with an antihistamine cream.
- Baking soda mixed with water may give you some relief. Just put it on the affected area and let it work.
- Make yourself an oatmeal bath and soak in it to reduce the itching. The water must not be too hot.
- Aloe Vera is great for all kinds of wounds and it also has a soothing effect on sand flea bites.
- Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus and cedar wood may also help you get rid of the discomfort.

Prevent the fleas from attacking you
I have always been a great fan of preventing flea bites rather than treating them. If you want to avoid getting bitten, just follow these tips and you will have greatly decreased the chance of that happening:
- Don’t visit the beach when it has been raining. Sand fleas seem to be more aggressive when the air is cool and moist. You should stay away from the beach in the morning and in the evening for that same reason. Most people go to the beach when it’s warm and dry outside anyway, so that’s good.
- If you do go to the beach when it’s cool outside, please remember to pack your insect repellant.
- Cover yourself up when sitting or lying down to avoid getting bitten on your back, legs and feet.
How to remove sand fleas
If you do find a swollen area on your feet or on your pets paws with a black spot in the center, this is cause for concern. It’s possible that a female sand flea may have burrowed inside the skin and laid eggs. Seek medical attention to have it looked at and removed as soon as possible.
I hope this article was helpful to you. To learn more, you can continue reading about flea bites on humans.