Hi, I’m Jacob. This is my site where I publish practical guides that aim to help people deal with fleas.
If you’re struggling with these pests, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m generally interested in pest control, but flea-related issues interest me more because I’ve had personal experience with fleas.
Here’s the deal:
- If you want to find out if you’ve been bitten by fleas…
- If you want to learn how to treat and prevent flea bites…
- If you want to get rid of fleas in the home and on pets…
Then the guides found here may be helpful to get your normal, flea-free life back again.
So if you want to know how to get rid of your flea problem now, keep reading.
How FLEABITES.NET aims to help you win the battle against fleas
When I was struggling with a huge flea infestation several years back, I did what most people do today. I searched for information on the internet that could help me solve my problem. I found massive amounts of information with all kinds of magic solutions that supposedly would help me get rid of fleas in an instant – but they didn’t. It sounded too good to be true – and it was. I realized that a lot of the advice out there was misleading and ineffective.
That’s why I started FLEABITES.NET.
Since 2012, I have helped thousands of people deal with their flea problems. They love my guides – just look at all the positive feedback I have received.
Hopefully, the information you find on this site can help you too.
Trustworthy and reliable information
Because I provide practical, well-researched, simple instructions and highly effective guides, FLEABITES.NET has grown into one of the most authoritative sites about flea treatment and prevention.
The site has been referred to by several popular sites over the years. Here is a selection of them:
- Mercola
- OregonLive
- News Medical
- Santa Fe College
- Bel Marra Health
- NC State University
- University of Michigan
- Washington Uni. St. Louis
- Doctors Health Press
- Taste of the Wild
- Lumen Learning
- NaturalNews
- DogTopTips
- Dengarden
- wikiHow
- Dogtime
- Ranker
- Insider
- eHow
This is just a small sample and not a complete list by any means, but as you can tell, FLEABITES.NET is well-known around the web.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.