Most people who visit my website already have flea bites and want to know how to get rid of them. If you haven’t been bitten yet or if you just got rid of the bites, you have to make sure the fleas don’t get to you again. It's always easier to prevent flea bites and avoid a massive flea infestation, which can often be quite time consuming to get rid of. The best way to do … [Read more...]
Flea Bites vs Bed Bug Bites – What is the Difference?
The first thing you need to do when trying to get rid of bugs is find out what you’re dealing with. This can prove to be quite difficult, as there are many different types of bugs and bug bites and many of them look almost alike. Many of my visitors have asked me about the difference between flea bites and bed bug bites when they have noticed red spots appearing on … [Read more...]
Flea Bite Treatment – How to Get Rid of Flea Bites
If you have fleas in your home, you are at risk of getting bitten by them anytime, anywhere. Not all people are bitten by fleas, but should you be so unlucky, then I have some advice for you on how to get rid of the flea bites. After the flea bite treatment when you have the itching under control, you should make sure to also stop the flea infestation from spreading. But … [Read more...]
What do Flea Bites Look Like – Flea Bite Pictures
This page contains flea bite pictures that illustrate what bites can look like on different parts of the body. If you're wondering what flea bites look like, then you have come to the right place. Feel free to send me a mail with comments to these pictures if you have anything to add, or if you want to submit your own photos. Your feedback can make this site … [Read more...]
Flea Bites on Humans and Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
In most cases you don’t need to treat flea bites on humans, but there are some symptoms you should be aware of. It's possible to develop flea bite symptoms because of allergic reactions, or get infections where the flea has bitten. Infection occurs when you scratch in and around the affected area. There is a lot of bacteria hiding under the fingernails, which goes directly … [Read more...]